Root canal therapy, often referred to as an endodontic treatment, is a common procedure designed to save teeth that have become infected or severely decayed. Our dentist and team provide expert root canal treatment to help patients maintain their natural smiles. This procedure is necessary when the pulp, the innermost part of the tooth containing nerves and blood vessels, becomes inflamed or infected. Without treatment, the infection can spread, leading to abscesses and even tooth loss.

The root canal procedure involves several steps. First, Dr. David Hazan will carefully examine and X-ray the affected tooth to determine the extent of the infection. Next, local anesthesia is administered to ensure patient comfort throughout the procedure. We then create a small opening in the crown of the tooth to access the pulp chamber. Using specialized instruments, the infected or damaged pulp is meticulously removed, and the canals are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

Once the canals are clean, they are filled with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha. This helps to seal the canals and prevent future infections. Finally, the tooth is restored with a crown or filling to protect it and restore its function. The entire process typically takes one to two visits, depending on the complexity of the case.

At Maitland Square Dentistry, our goal is to make every patient feel comfortable and cared for. Our team is committed to providing high-quality root canal therapy in Maitland, Florida. If you are experiencing tooth pain or suspect you may need a root canal, please contact us at 407-677-5400 to schedule an appointment.