Intraoral cameras are a powerful diagnostic tool that has transformed the way dental care is delivered, offering both patients and dentists a clear, detailed view of oral health. Dr. David Hazan uses state-of-the-art intraoral cameras to enhance patient care and improve treatment outcomes. These small, pen-sized devices allow us to capture high-resolution images of the inside of your mouth, providing a level of detail that is not possible with the naked eye.

The use of intraoral cameras makes dental examinations more interactive and informative. Our dentist and team can display these images on a monitor, allowing you to see exactly what they see. This transparency helps in better understanding your dental condition and the recommended treatments. Whether it is identifying cavities, examining the condition of fillings or monitoring gum health, intraoral cameras provide a comprehensive view that aids in accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

The images captured by the intraoral camera can be saved and used for future reference, making it easier to track changes in your oral health over time. This technology also enhances communication with dental laboratories when creating restorations such as crowns, bridges or veneers, ensuring a precise fit and optimal results.

At Maitland Square Dentistry, we are committed to utilizing the latest advancements in dental technology to provide the best care for our patients. If you are interested in learning more about how intraoral cameras in Maitland, Florida, can benefit your dental care, please contact us at 407-677-5400. Our team is here to offer you a transparent and engaging dental experience, ensuring you feel informed and confident in your treatment decisions.