At Maitland Square Dentistry, we are proud to offer the convenience and efficiency of an in-house dental lab, enhancing the quality and speed of our restorative services. Under the expert guidance of Dr. David Hazan, our dentist, our in-house lab allows us to create custom dental restorations, such as crowns, bridges, dentures and veneers, right here in our office. This means faster turnaround times and more personalized care for our patients.

The in-house lab is equipped with the latest technology, enabling our skilled technicians to fabricate high-quality restorations with precision and accuracy. By having direct communication between our office and the lab technicians, we can ensure that each restoration is meticulously crafted to meet the specific needs and preferences of our patients. This close collaboration results in restorations that fit perfectly and look natural.

One of the significant advantages of our in-house lab is the ability to offer same-day restorations for certain procedures. For example, with our advanced CAD/CAM technology, we can design, mill and place a dental crown in just one visit. This eliminates the need for temporary crowns and multiple appointments, providing a more convenient and efficient experience for our patients.

Additionally, our in-house lab allows for quicker adjustments and repairs. If a patient needs a minor modification to their restoration, we can often complete it on the same day, minimizing downtime and ensuring patient satisfaction.

We are committed to providing the highest level of dental care with the convenience and precision of our in-house lab in Maitland, Florida. If you are interested in learning more about our restorative services, please contact us at 407-677-5400. Our team is here to deliver exceptional dental care tailored to your needs.